+49 851 55303     info@eichberger-reinigung.de


We clean according to the highest hygiene standards


Our company is certified by

EFIT for textile cleaning

RAL 992/1 for object and household laundry

RAL 992/3 for laundry from food production plants


dry-cleaning Eichberger

social media & Service


Spitalhofstr. 90 // 94032 Passau

Telephone: +49 851 55303 // Telefax: +49 851 55304

Email: info@eichberger-reinigung.de


Business hours:


Monday to Friday

8:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m // 1:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m


Our company is certified by

EFIT for textile cleaning

RAL 992/1 for object and household laundry

RAL 992/3 for laundry from food production plants

Webdesign: MJ Entertainment Markus Jünemann –  info (at) mj-entertainment.de // Credits: Photos © Florian Weichselbaumer